About Website
This website is implemented in PHP and JavaScript, and use MySQL data base. Source code of it is available in SourceForge
Site is hosted on Facultad de Informatica - UPM.
We also try to make website valid XHTML and CSS standars.
About WebDevStudio
Milestone releases
- 1.0 (13 December 2006):
- First release
- 1.1 (14 March 2007):
- Cross-compile included (Linux Servers).
- Code editor updated. Refresh bug solved.
- Admin can read projects files.
- Register account disabled before login.
- More compilation details (POSIX/C projects).
- New header and foot page sections.
- 1.2 (26 March 2007):
- News section, with recently and archived news.
- Description section, a short description about this application.
- Operation section, a detailed description about diferent parts of this application.
- 1.3 (29 March 2007):
- New code editor with highlighting (Codepress).
- Disabled Win32 projects.
- Deleted show function of project section.
- 1.4 (25 April 2007):
- New result zone with tabs.
- New command line.
- New register account form.
- Hidden backups folder.
- 1.5 (7 May 2007):
- New visual design.
- Fixed some bugs.
- 1.6 (18 May 2007):
- New file explorer.
- Manage file with emerget menu in file explorer.
- New dialog windows.
- Multiple file editting with tabs.
- Included AJAX technology.
- 1.7 (8 August 2009):
- New code editor based on EditArea, with suggest code.
- New UNIX and Win32 projects (cross compiling) support.
- New and more emergent menus, in file explorer and tabs.
- New dialog windows.
- New resizable and sortable modules and tabs on workarea.
- New actions (fullscreen, search and remplace, print, ...) on workarea.
- New log tab on command console.
- New commands on command console.
- New folder creation support.
- New sortable project lists.
- New XHTML interface code.
- New Object Oriented JavaScript code.
- Use of Prototype and script.aculo.us frameworks.
WebDevStudio has entered the final phase of the "I Concurso Universitario de Software Libre", a competition between free projects developed into the Spanish universities.